Providing strategic thinking and service to higher education, health care, non-profit, and early stage operating companies


I bring four decades executive suite experience in university, health care, community service and small business to focus on management and financial advice, short-term leadership roles, project engagement, and mentoring.  In consulting roles I have provided a range of services including:

    Strategic Positioning: listening, analyzing, researching business strategy and providing candid, objective advice that sets a clear and successful course

    Implementation: identifying cost effective means to achieve business strategy, defining key components, aligning employees and stake holders, and staying on course with strong organizational design

    Financial Management: identifying and obtaining capital, aligning spending with revenue generation, reducing and eliminating unproductive spending, managing financial support structures, remaining ahead of accounts receivable and accounts payable, maximizing leverage to achieve business goals

    Project Management: identifying new market opportunities, creating programs to serve those markets, identifying and executing strategies to approach clients, marketing, negotiating and closing opportunities

    Partnering: turning competition into partnering and making win-win engagement

In the course of my career I have worked with organizations with revenues in excess of $3 billion and start-up companies with no investment and no revenue.  In each of these circumstances I think that I have made a contribution.  Key projects have involved novel and complex solutions including a $35 million off-balance sheet, physician owned practice facility with imaging and out-patient surgery center, a $180 million off-balance sheet thermal energy district, and restructuring the financial program for a major, university athletics program. I have, on the other hand, identified and negotiated the initial $500,000 investment for a start-up health care venture. It would be a pleasure to speak with you about ways that your organization might deploy my energies and experiences.